Determine if you are partnering with the right agency
09/23/2020 | 2 minutes to read
As a healthcare facility, everyone knows it’s important to have quality staffing suppliers. But how can you tell if your staffing supplier is the best one for you? We asked Rob Neuville, Business Development Manager Team Lead, to share some insights to help you determine if you are partnering with the right agency.
Are you working with just a supplier or is it a partnership?
Knowing how fast your needs can change, developing a partnership with your staffing agency will allow you greater speed and agility to manage your staffing needs. At TotalMed the sales team is connected with their facilities’ business. Rob stated, “I have weekly or bi-weekly conversations with my clients to understand how business is going. How electives are doing. How busy the ER is and when the peaks are happening?” Choosing a staffing partner versus just a supplier means you have someone who understands the challenges you are facing and will help you design the best solutions.
Do they share industry information with you?
You need to make sure you know what’s going on in the industry to be at the top of your game. Does your staffing agency assist you with that knowledge? Rob shared with us that at TotalMed, “We have open conversations about the market and the data behind it.” These discussions can generate ideas - big and small - that make facilities more marketable and help fill the staffing needs more expediently.
Does your staffing supplier educate you on what other facilities around the country are doing to solve staffing challenges?
Our TotalMed team starts with the baseline conversation to understand your needs. Then they share what other facilities are doing across the US to resolve the same issues to give you better insights on how to manage your staffing shortage.
Do they help you generate new ideas?
Rob shared the advice he gives to his clients. “Be open to new ideas and willing to pick up the phone for a quick conversation. We know you are busy, but a quick conversation may create a solution faster than multiple emails.” The TotalMed team prides themselves on providing the best customer service in the industry, caring for clients and clinicians to ensure that they follow the company’s mission to improve lives.
Interested in partnering with TotalMed? Visit our website to learn more about how TotalMed can help with your medical staffing needs at
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